Farmer Light

A completely new generation of LED lighting for inactivation of microorganisms as well as medical treatment where we have copied the best energies from the sunlight

Deactivation of microorganisms,
viruses & bacterials
Better immune system
Healthier work environment & products 


Physician Niels Ryberg Finsen was keenly interested in the effect of light on animals and himself. That prompted him to study light therapy using concentrated sunlight. 

In 1903, Niels Ryberg Finsen was the first Dane to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.

With the advent of antibiotics, people almost forgot about using light to deactivate bacteria and viruses.

Today Farmer-Light uses as specially developed LED chip to deactivate harmful microorganisms and promote the formation of natural vitamin D3in human and livestock plasma.

The ultimate DIL™ LED luminaire for livestock housing

Minimization of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in livestock production. 
Improving production with innovative lighting via increase in natural vitamin D ROI 1-2 years.

The ultimate DIL™ LED luminaire for hospitals

Minimization of diseases-causing bacteria and viruses in Hospitals and other public health centers 24/7 without any harm for the human body.

The ultimate DIL™ LED luminaire for schools

Minimization of diseases-causing bacteria and viruses in schools and other public education places 24/7 without any harm for the human body.Reduce sickness days for students and teachers.

Inventor Povl Kaas

The inventor and developer Povl Kaas has worked with inactivation, of viruses and bacteria for more than 40 years. With this long and large experience, Povl has worked on the product for 11 years, which is now ready for the final tests and production.